Monday, December 3, 2012

my littles.

Gosh, home improvement is fun...but it has a way of "shutting me down" too.  I am not an awesome multi-tasker....I sort of pour myself into whatever my current project is.

However, I can't miss documenting my sweet babes.

HALLIE ditched her training wheels over Thanksgiving!  It is so fun to watch her go! 
She is my little helper.  She is such a first-born...she is so responsible.  Sometimes I forget she is 4 and think she's nearing 10. LOL. 
She is very opinionated about her wardrobe.  Boo.  Her preference is jeans and tennis shoes!  I bought her the most adorable boots this year and she thinks they "aren't pretty."  Maybe Roo will wear them?!
She has a boy-crush.  It is so sweet and innocent (still Daddy doesn't like it)!  ;)
She is doing amazing in school.  I was on the verge of tears when her teacher was talking about her at her conferences.  I was so proud of her...I thought my heart was going to explode.

HARPER has really turned a corner in her vocabulary.  She is expressing her emotion more through words than tantrums.  Hallelujah!  She is still as strong-willed as ever but she is starting to tell me what she's feeling rather than losing it! 
She also is becoming "Miss Manners"...she is remembering to use them without being reminded.
She is still queen of pretend-play land.  She loves her "guys" and sets them up in several different scenarios.
Roo is a gymnast now too!!  She really likes it too!
She is just delightful.  She is growing up on me...yet still likes to be my baby and cuddle whenever possible!

BOWEN is my all-boy, sweet, momma's boy!  I could gush about that boy for hours.  He has such a strong-hold on my heart.
He is crazy.  He climbs, runs, opens and tries to destroy any thing he can get his hands on.
He is a babbling boy.  He says quite a few words but he mostly speaks Chinese or some other language I'm not familiar with.
He loves balls.  He loves to throw them back and forth with us!
He would live outside if I let him.  He kicks and screams when you bring him inside.


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